Voting clarification

Since ramai tnya whether vote2 ni will be published in public or nape xnampak any vote dlm tiap post..dun wori guys. Ur vote is confidential and safe with us. The vote will not be published in public. It will be dlm simpanan the PNP members only. Even other committee mmbers pon xtaw ape vote korang. So no need to worry dengan possibility that everyone is going to know sape yg korang vote, k?=)

Each comment or vote from u guys need to be approved from the PNP members first before it get published. Thats why each voting post tu kosong je tnpa ade ape2 komen sbb komen yg related dengan votes, will be kept confidential. So the PNP members just collect the votes and keep the result smpai outing ni nanti. So, the winner tu will not be revealed smpai la award prize giving nanti.

Since da clarify, let's vote!!=)

Note: Voting will be closed tepat kol 12 tgh mlm esk

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